Energy – TEST

Pennsylvania is an Energy Leader

Pennsylvania has been and must continue to be a leader in energy and innovation. The urgent need for decarbonization presents new and impactful opportunities to transform our economy, elevate industry and manufacturing, create jobs, and meet our climate ambitions. Pennsylvania must work intentionally to capitalize on these opportunities for a lower-carbon, energy-rich economy.

Areas of Impact

In its second year of convening, the Pennsylvania Energy Horizons Cross-Sector Collaborative continued its work to deploy carbon management and hydrogen technologies, and added a focus on new developments in nuclear in order to accelerate the Commonwealth’s economy–wide goals regarding energy transition and decarbonization. Each “workstream” uniquely lends itself to achieving these goals, while continuing to leverage Pennsylvania’s existing energy assets:

1\ Hydrogen

Hydrogen can be an important emissions reduction tool for the Commonwealth because it does not generate direct emissions of pollutants or greenhouse gasses at its point of use. Large, difficult-to-abate sectors important to Pennsylvania’s economy, such as trucking, steel and chemicals manufacturing, and industrial and municipal heating, can eliminate their direct emissions using hydrogen as a feedstock.

2\ Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS)

For key carbon-intensive industries such as steel and cement, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) can reduce significant carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions resulting from production processes. Carbon capture is an essential emissions reduction tool for major industrial sectors in the state that are otherwise difficult to decarbonize.

3\ Advances in Nuclear

The next generation of nuclear technology presents opportunities for heavy industry, major universities, military installations, and other power-reliant organizations to have access to on-site heat and electricity while leveraging Pennsylvania’s manufacturing strengths. Nuclear energy is carbon-free, can be deployed throughout all communities in the Commonwealth, and provides dispatchable baseload power.

Pennsylvania Energy Horizons Cross-Sector Collaborative

The Collaborative is a statewide network that brings together leaders from industry, government, labor, nonprofits, and academia to create the conditions for innovative, technological, and market-driven solutions to decarbonize Pennsylvania’s economy while creating jobs. Participants are listed here.

Ready to be involved? Or interested in learning more about our energy work?


Fact Sheets

Each fact sheet provides an overview of the topic, including relevant background and definitions; identifies key policy considerations and questions for Pennsylvania policymakers to think through; and provides links to relevant additional resources on the topic.

In January 2024, the Energy Horizons Collaborative hosted a second pipelines deep dive discussion, bringing together the perspectives of developers, nonprofits, and regulators to call attention to the opportunities pipelines offer us, as well as the challenges facing this vital infrastructure:

In May 2023, Team Pennsylvania Foundation and the Pennsylvania Energy Horizons Collaborative released three fact sheets that provide an overview of key policy topics within CCUS and hydrogen:

The Road Map

In September 2022, Team Pennsylvania Foundation released a policy roadmap for the deployment of hydrogen and carbon capture infrastructure in Pennsylvania. Authored by the Great Plains Institute (GPI), Successful Deployment of Carbon Management and Hydrogen Economies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania highlights key priorities for the state to meet its climate goals, maintain a competitive edge in energy production and industrial manufacturing, and secure billions of dollars in federal grants and private investments.

View the Road Map
Read the Press Release

Guided by the recommendations of the roadmap, the Cross-Sector Collaborative will continue to advance public understanding on hydrogen and carbon management and strengthen relationships between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors on energy issues.

DNA Hydrogen Hub Project

For more information on the DNA Hydrogen Hub Project, learn more here, or contact