Our Cross-Sector Collaborative Model – TEST

The Power of Collaboration

Cross-sector Collaboratives are networks of leaders from private business & industry, government, academia, nonprofits, and labor who work together to advance Pennsylvania’s interests in each priority area. Collaboratives serve as a forum for:

  • Interaction
  • Education
  • Creating opportunities for discussion and alignment
  • Coming together with shared purpose to accelerate the targeted sector as an economic driver for Pennsylvania

Team PA staff draws from these broader networks for participants to engage in specific activities when interests align. As a nonpartisan, neutral broker, Team Pennsylvania serves as the convener bringing these stakeholders together.

Each collaborative meets quarterly, and participation is open and dynamic. Anyone who shares our priorities to strengthen Pennsylvania in these sectors is welcome to join us. We leave space for different perspectives while aligned on common goals, recognizing that to tackle these challenges requires partnership and collaboration.

Interested in joining a Collaborative? Email info@teampa.com to join.