2023 Early Learning Economic Summit

Early Childhood Policies Advancing Parents’ Ability to Work

Wednesday, June 7, 2023
8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Lunch will be provided)

8:00 – 9:00 a.m. – Light breakfast & networking
Hilton Harrisburg, 1 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg, PA


Dr. Cynthia Osborne
Keynote Speaker

  • Dr. Cynthia Osborne – Founder and Executive Director of the national Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center


Kathleen Pavelko
Event Emcee

  • Kathleen Pavelko – President & CEO Emerita at WITF Public Media and PA ELIC Emerita


Shante’ Brown
Guest Speakers to include:

  • Shante’ Brown – Deputy Secretary, Office of Child Development and Early Learning
  • Panel Discussion: Policies and Practices that Work
    • Donna Cooper, Executive Director, Children First
    • Phil Falvo, Public Policy Director, United Way of Pennsylvania
    • Jen DeBell, Executive Director, PennAEYC
  • Legislative Reflections: PA ECE Caucus, The Bipartisan Work Ahead
    • State Senator Judy Schwank
    • State Senator Pat Stefano
    • State Representative Pat Harkins
    • State Representative Shelby Labs
  • Business Case for Child Care: Public and Private Investments
    • The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry

At this year’s event, you will hear from experts on the most effective investments that businesses and policymakers can make to ensure that working parents and caregivers can access affordable, quality child care so Pennsylvania’s children are healthy, families experience economic mobility, and our state has a vibrant, strong economy.

Interested in being an event sponsor? Email Sara Lauver for more information.