International Initiatives

Pennsylvania has the most robust trade network in the United States. Team PA played an essential role in the creation of DCED’s Office of International Business Development (OIBD) to establish international trade and investment offices around the globe on behalf of the commonwealth.

Team PA’s involvement in international initiatives has evolved over the past two decades. Today, we primarily work alongside OIBD to ensure local companies can export overseas and help foreign companies find a home in Pennsylvania.

Recently, Team PA has participated in:

  1. Business Development Mission to China & Korea: Travelling in tandem with the Philadelphia Orchestra for the third year in a row, the delegation from Pennsylvania – including representatives from OIBD, the City of Philadelphia, Lehigh Valley EDC and Chester County EDC – attended two weeks of meetings with prospects, investors and multipliers in China and Korea.
  2. Bringing the World to PA – Trade: Bringing the World to PA is an annual 2-week tour of Pennsylvania by Authorized Trade Representatives (ATR’s) to discuss foreign market intelligence, agents and distributor candidates and industry and government contacts.
  3. SelectUSA Investment Summit: A delegation from Pennsylvania hosted a booth at the SelectUSA Summit in Washington D.C. in order to promote foreign direct investment in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania has seen a lot of success over the last few years as it relates to foreign direct investments (FDI) and exports. There are many plans in the works to continue to bolster Pennsylvania’s reputation on the world stage in order to bring companies to the Commonwealth to do business.

Past International Programs

  1. Business Development Mission to Europe, 2015: Following the world renowned Philadelphia Orchestra, a delegation of Pennsylvania representatives traveled to Europe in order to establish relationships and build rapport for Pennsylvania overseas.
  2. Business Development Mission to Japan, 2016: A team from OIBD and other international business experts traveled with the Philadelphia Orchestra during the Japan-leg of their Tour of Asia in order to cultivate and maintain relationships with Japan-based companies doing business in Pennsylvania.
  3. Expert Speaker Program: We work jointly with OIBD to coordinate industry experts to speak to their peers about business opportunities in Pennsylvania in order to attract perspective investment and create jobs.
  4. Hannover Messe Trade Show: The Pennsylvania team hosted a booth at the 2016 Hannover Messe Trade Show in Germany to showcase our Commonwealth and how great of a state it is to live and work in.
  5. “Make It In America” Initiative: Team PA continues to support the Commonwealth’s Center for Direct Investment (CDI) in their efforts to promote Pennsylvania businesses at foreign trade shows and exhibitions.