Addressing Access to Capital

The Team PA Advanced Ag Collaborative has identified “Addressing Access to Capital” as a priority. Through this priority, the Collaborative seeks to improve access to capital for “next-generation” agriculturalists and agriculture businesses looking to leverage technology in their operations and/or other ‘advanced agriculture’ methods, so as to contribute to the overall growth, development, and output of Pennsylvania’s economy.

The Collaborative is hosting a Deep Dive Series in order to learn more about best practices and innovative models, across risk, debt, and alternative financing, and how these models may be replicated for Pennsylvania in order to strengthen opportunities for agriculture to grow in the commonwealth.

Participation in the deep dive series is open to all interested parties. To keep engaged with the work of the Advanced Ag Collaborative, contact

Deep Dive Series Schedule and Registration Information

Deep Dive 4: Insights from Pennsylvania Ag Lenders
 – Registration available soon

March – Date TBD

Earlier Deep Dives

Deep Dive 1: Rural and/or Ag-Focused Venture Funds

December 11, 2023
Facilitated by: John Sider, Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central & Northern PA
Featuring speakers:

Expanding VC capacity in Pennsylvania beyond our major metros has been identified by the Advanced Ag Collaborative as an opportunity that could support the growth of innovation in technology fit to support Pennsylvania’s annual $135.7B agriculture industry. In this session, we will hear about how venture capital (VC) fits “rural” contexts and applications. Our speakers will discuss different stage focuses of VC financing (seed and growth) as well as how two funds address rural business growth in the Food, Ag, and other sectors. We will also learn about USDA’s Rural Business Investment Company license and how it has helped support the mission of these two funds.

Deep Dive 2: Early Stage/Tech Transfer Organizations

January 11, 2024
Facilitated by: John Sider, Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central & Northern PA
Featuring Speakers:

  • Ben Johnson, Senior Vice President, Programs at BioSTL
  • Pete Nelson, President of AgLaunch

The purpose of this session is to give members of the Collaborative and other interested parties an opportunity to hear from some of the nation’s best practitioners of technology commercialization/new company development in agriculture and agtech and learn about their unique programs designed to support that goal. It is well-known that local risk capital at the earliest stages is crucial to encourage innovation-based economic development but this session will explore what other supportive resources and services accelerate technology commercialization/new company development in the agriculture sector.

Deep Dive 3: Other State-Level Debt Financing Programs

February 26, 2024
Facilitated by: Gary Smith, Chester County EDC

In this session, we will hear from two innovative state programs, in Minnesota and Maryland, and their approach to agricultural financing.