Next Generation Partnerships are Building Momentum in the Commonwealth

Next Generation Partnerships are a way to connect business leaders within a community to identify a set of shared priorities in their particular industry sector. Through an industry-driven process, business leaders work with a coordinated team of community support partners across education, workforce development, and economic development.

Across Pennsylvania, these partnerships are forming and beginning to drive real change in their respective communities. The Greater Reading Manufacturing Partnership filmed a video, with several of their manufacturing business leaders giving a testimonial for why to get involved in this partnership.

The Central PA Manufacturing Partnership also created a video, in this case to address one of their key action items: improve the pipeline of their future workforce. To that end, this video highlights career opportunities and expectations with local manufacturing companies. Rather than individual companies creating videos, the Next Gen approach is one that provides a collective voice for industry leadership in the region, as seen in the video.

As this work continues to grow across Pennsylvania, Governor Wolf and the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry awarded PAsmart grants to support Next Gen Partnerships. To learn more about the Next Gen approach, visit or reach out to Team Pennsylvania’s Director of Education & Workforce Development, Abby Smith.
