New Year Marks Anniversary of Early Learning Investment Commission’s Partnership with Team Pennsylvania

A note from Team Pennsylvania’s President and CEO, Ryan Unger:

In 1997, Governor Tom Ridge and a group of business leaders founded Team Pennsylvania to be a place where leaders of the public sector and business community could come together to drive economic and workforce development growth in our Commonwealth. That spirit of public-private partnership is key when we plan our work and seek stakeholders. It is also why the Early Learning Investment Commission was a natural partner. Both Team PA and the Commission recognize the value of Pennsylvania’s business community and state government sitting at the same table, and at our core is a belief that the private and public sectors succeed best when working together.

Since formalizing a partnership just over a year ago when Governor Wolf signed Executive Order 2017-05 and re-established the Early Learning Investment Commission, Team Pennsylvania and the Early Learning Investment Commission continue to work independently but with an aligned approach and purpose.

In addition to shared ideals, Team PA is able to provide an organizational home for the Commission. Through the partnership with Team PA, the Commission applies for grant funding, secures contracts, and has an office suite (with a view of the Capitol!). These and other administrative supports, such as IT and financial assistance, are all in place to help the Commission achieve its mission.

Most recently, when Carey Harris stepped down as Executive Director of the Commission, Team Pennsylvania’s Director of Education & Workforce Development, Abby Smith, was able to provide technical support in the search for a new Executive Director. With Commissioners leading the Search Committee, Team Pennsylvania posted the position, vetted candidates, and assisted in the administrative side of the selection process, resulting in Ryan Riley as the new Executive Director.

With this infrastructure, the Early Learning Investment Commission is poised not just to thrive, but to sustain its work into the future. We look forward to our continued partnership!
