Results and Recommendations Roadshow: Southeast PA

On Friday, October 12th, Team PA, members of the Ag Advisory Board, and Mike Smith of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture presented the PA Agriculture Economic Impact Report and hosted discussion with economic developers and community members in Exton, PA.

As part of the Results and Recommendations Roadshow announced in September, the southeast region event was hosted by Chester County Economic Development Council. As residents and agriculturalists of the southeast region, Gary Smith, Gale Ferranto, and Scott Hauseman spoke on behalf of the Team PA Agriculture Advisory Board and shared their experiences within their respective industries.

The breakfast event attracted about 60 attendees and many new faces to Chester County EDC. Gary Smith, President and CEO, noted that many of the attendees were not regular attendees of CCEDC events, which emphasizes the magnitude of the local agricultural community and interest in agricultural economic development in the region.

The messages shared by Team PA Ag Advisory Board members throughout the meeting energized attendees to recognize and spread the word of the importance of agriculture to the entire Commonwealth, and specifically its importance to the region as a leader in mushroom, vegetable, and equine operations.

Results and Recommendations Roadshows continue to be developed and scheduled with our regional partners. Save the date for these upcoming events and contact Kelly Kundratic for information on how to register:

Team PA Investor Exchange featuring PDA Secretary Russell Redding
Meadville, PA at Economic Progress Alliance of Crawford County
November 16 from 11:30am-1:00pm

Northeast Region – Waymart, PA
Camp Ledore Conference Center
February 26, time TBD. Snow date of March 26.

North Central Region – Kane, PA
Flickerwood Winery
March 22, 9:30-11:30am. Snow date of April 26.

PEDA Spring Legislative Conference
Hilton in Harrisburg, PA
May 1, 8:45-10:15 am.
