Trinity High School Prepares Students for High Priority Occupations

Trinity High School (THS) is committed to ensuring that their graduates are ready to take on regional workforce demands. THS was awarded a 2018 – 2019 Career Readiness Mini-Grant to provide students with first-hand, personalized experiences of high priority occupations in their region. Approximately 25% of Trinity students directly enter the job market after graduation, and the district serves an economically diverse population that encompasses 90 square miles of both rural and urban communities in southwestern PA.

As a 2017-2018 Career Readiness Mini-Grant recipient, THS will build on last year’s efforts by fostering strong partnerships with the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board, Washington County Chamber of Commerce, and regional industry leaders to implement career programming that is grounded in labor market information. The mini-grant will fund transportation to Range Resources, Precision Marshall, and Presbyterian SeniorCare Network, enabling students to partake in internship and job shadowing opportunities. In addition, THS will begin a SkillsUSA chapter which will allow students to compete in local, regional, and national championships around career and technical education. Finally, with resources from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, THS will begin a training program that will help prepare students for local, high demand trades.

“Washington County, Pennsylvania is a mixed economy, including careers in oil and gas, service, manufacturing, retail, and, with commuter access to Pittsburgh, a variety of health, technology, and education-related careers,” THS Principal Eric Lauver explained. “Between our regional context and the list of high priority occupations, we have targeted specific industries that align with our programmatic offerings, while attempting to build in meaningful opportunities for virtually all students.”

In response to feedback provided by local employers, THS will also utilize the Career Readiness Mini-Grant to help students develop soft skills required to be competitive in today’s workforce. By partnering with Southwest Training Services, students will receive soft skills trainings that include resume preparation, mock interviews, and guidance on job retention.

“Our goal is not only to meet the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Future Ready PA Index mandates, but also to exceed them by providing a flexible, personalized experience for nearly every child in the Trinity Area School District,” said Lauver. “A high-quality, academic education reflected in our career pathways coupled with career preparation skills will set them apart from their peers.”
