Results and Recommendations Roadshow Events to be Hosted Across the Commonwealth

In an effort to publicize the Pennsylvania Agriculture: A Look at the Economic Impact & Future Trends report across the commonwealth, Team PA is working with economic development partners to host a “Results and Recommendations Roadshow.” This series of 8-10 events will be organized regionally throughout Pennsylvania to give a deep dive into the report, including explaining the RFP process, methodology, results, and strategic recommendations.

The audience intended for these events are economic development organizations with invited networks of local agricultural businesses. Team PA’s Manager of Agriculture Policy and Programs, Kelly Kundratic will present the report. Additionally, volunteer members of Team PA’s Agriculture Advisory Board will share their Work Group’s objectives, and how the industry is helping move toward the six strategic recommendations from the report.

The Results and Recommendations Roadshow is an opportunity to present the report, as well as host discussion with the economic development community to strategize where the industry is headed with partners who will be vital to making the advancements possible.

Kelly Kundratic is currently working alongside the PREP Regions, the Department of Agriculture, and the Agriculture Advisory Board to finalize locations for events to occur once a month through Spring, 2019.
