Rise of the Rest Team Makes Tour Stop in Central Pennsylvania

Steve Case and the Rise of the Rest team stopped in Central Pennsylvania at the Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center on October 10th to hear from nine entrepreneurs about their company during a pitch competition. The start-up with the winning pitch walked away with a $100,000 investment from Steve Case himself. The tour stop in Central Pennsylvania was supported by the Harrisburg Regional Chamber, the Economic Development Company of Lancaster County and the York County Economic Alliance.

The CEO’s of these nine start-ups were given four minutes to make a pitch about their company – including what they do, their potential markets and their customer-base. After the pitch, the panel had the opportunity to ask questions for four minutes. It was truly a showcase of some of the best and most innovative companies operating in and around Central Pennsylvania. The nine companies that participated in the pitch competition were:

  • benefix – a health benefit access platform
  • TurnoutNow – a company that uses wearable tech to collect event data
  • Augean Robotics – which has prototyped a robotic cart for use in agriculture
  • CrimeWatch – a toolset for police departments to collect and provide information to the public
  • intag – which develops scalable and modular aquaculture-based agriculture
  • Device Events – a software set that uses federal data to identify problematic patterns with medical devices
  • Schedule Engine – a web-based contractor scheduling, dispatch and tracking system
  • Project TEAMology – a cloud-based educational social network company designed to bring educators and parents together
  • Fizika – which is developing a platform for engaging older Americans to reduce the risks of dementia

At the end of the competition, Device Events was announced as the winner. In a quote to PennLive, Steve Case left parting words about his hopes for the future continued prosperity for the Central Pennsylvania region: “It’s up to you folks to move it forward . . . we’re getting on the bus [and] leaving. But think about what you can do to take this [region] to the next level.”
