Team Pennsylvania Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary

Two decades of investing in job retention, expansion, and creation for Pennsylvania’s future

In 1996, Governor Tom Ridge called on key cabinet members to engage with the business community to discuss the creation of a public-private partnership that would work towards a prosperous future for Pennsylvania. This idea resulted in the establishment of Team Pennsylvania, and Mr. Thomas Hagen, Chairman of Custom Group Industries and Board Member Emeritus, signed the Articles of Incorporation on January 10, 1997, 20 years ago today.

“For two decades, Team Pennsylvania has worked to develop innovative solutions to public challenges,” said Stephen S. Tang, Ph.D., MBA, President & CEO of Philadelphia’s University City Science Center and private sector co-chairperson of Team Pennsylvania’s Board of Directors. “As a strong believer in the power of public-private partnerships, I’m proud of Team Pennsylvania’s success and believe it is uniquely positioned to have a meaningful impact on the future of the commonwealth’s economy and workforce.”

Team Pennsylvania was a revolutionary concept when it was founded – operating separately from any one government entity, it was a nonprofit created to spur economic growth and inspire entrepreneurship. The organization has matured over the years into a unique body guided by the service, leadership, and vision of Team Pennsylvania’s trusted Board of Directors. Comprised of executive leadership from the public and private sectors, there are approximately 30 high-level executives representing the diverse businesses and industries in the state, from small and large companies, from Erie to Philadelphia and everywhere in between. On the public sector side, the sitting Governor serves as the co-chair and four agency heads – of the Departments of Agriculture, Community & Economic Development, Education, and Labor & Industry – serve on the Board, along with legislators from each caucus from both the State House and State Senate.

“It is only with partnership that success can be derived and for 20 years public and private sector entities have found a conduit for collaboration in Team Pennsylvania,” said Governor Tom Wolf. “By coming together with common goals for the commonwealth such as growing our economy and building a strong workforce, we all best position Pennsylvania for future success. Congratulations to Team Pennsylvania on such an important milestone.”

Dedicated to expanding the commonwealth’s economy, Team Pennsylvania’s work has been strategic and its investments have included everything from opening doors for Pennsylvania companies internationally to developing national models for industry-driven workforce development. Through five administrations specific projects have evolved and changed, but the core focus on economic growth and remaining competitive domestically and internationally has never wavered.

“Throughout our history there has been one constant,” Team Pennsylvania’s President & CEO Ryan C. Unger remarked, “the commitment of our Commonwealth’s business and public sector leaders in moving Pennsylvania forward together. Our continuing success would not be possible without the support of our investors who give their time and talent to Team Pennsylvania. We thank them and remain focused on helping our commonwealth achieve its best – as a place to live, learn and thrive.”
