Team PA Participates in PEDA Fall Conference at Kalahari Resorts

peda-2-1-e1480110245882-800x540Team Pennsylvania and PEDA (Pennsylvania Economic Development Association) have a longstanding partnership and Presidents of both organizations serve as ex-officio members of each other’s Board of Directors. The annual conference seeks to bring together economic development professionals from across Pennsylvania in order to share successes, recognize innovators and educate attendees. For the first time, Team PA joined First Energy Corporation in providing scholarships to young professionals working in economic development to infuse new thoughts and ideas into the sector.

peda-1-800x301The three-day event had a full agenda, boasting a number of economic development experts – including keynote speaker Erik Collins, Director of the Community and Economic Development Department for Montgomery County, Ohio – as well as breakout sessions and ample networking opportunities. Team PA’s President & CEO Unger had the opportunity to address attendees and discuss next generation workforce strategies, a partnership with the the Departments of Community & Economic Development and Labor & Industry. In addition, private sector Co-Chair Stephen S. Tang participated in a panel discussion regarding universities and economic development. The PEDA Fall Conference is recognized by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) as a professional development event for attendees seeking recertification as Certified Economic Developers (CEcDs). Remain up to date on happenings in economic development by following @PEDATweets.

