Simon ProSEED Grants Awarded to Nine Learning Science Projects at CMU

Carnegie Mellon UniversityCarnegie Mellon University’s ProSEED grant program will fund nine new technology-enhanced learning (TEL) projects designed to improve education for CMU students while advancing our understanding of how humans learn.

Part of the university’s Simon Initiative, the projects will leverage CMU’s learning engineering ecosystem and integrate learning research with data-driven, innovative educational practices.

ProSEED, a program initiated by CMU President Subra Suresh, provides startup support for innovative projects that span disciplines and allow researchers and educators to complete the fundamental research needed to take their work to the next level. The Simon ProSEED projects support the university’s recently published strategic plan by advancing and applying CMU’s world-leading research in learning science and TEL.

Previous Simon ProSEED projects have received external funding. The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations awarded CMU $250,000 in part to continue developing and testing the Prose Style Tutor, a TEL solution that targets key skills for effective writing, and using online resources with in-class activities to improve understanding of the effects of pH on biological systems, a topic that spans biology and chemistry courses.

“These grants represent a unique investment in education at CMU that pays dual dividends down the road — first in improving outcomes for our learners and then in providing a foundation for future funding,” said Norman Bier, executive director of the Simon Initiative. “Beyond providing direct funding, the program also provides projects with social and technical support, harnessing the Simon Initiative’s ecosystem to transform education.”

Funding for the nine new projects totals $209,068. Matching funds are provided by the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mellon College of Science, College of Engineering, University Libraries, Heinz College, School of Computer Science and College of Fine Arts.

Click here for the entire news release including descriptions of the projects.
