PA to Co-Host POWER Workshop on April 27 in Hidden Valley

Governor Wolf recently announced his commitment to ensuring that some of the $65.8 million available through the Obama Administration for economic growth and worker advancement for communities that have historically relied on the coal economy goes to Pennsylvania communities. The Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative is a multi-agency effort to distribute federal resources to help communities and regions affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plan operations and coal-related supply-chain industries that have occurred because of changing economics of America’s energy production.

“My administration is committed to ensuring that our communities have the resources they need to continue to thrive as industry sectors transform,” said Governor Wolf. “While we do everything in our power to advance the next generation of energy production, it is critically important that we inform eligible Pennsylvania communities of the federal funds that have been made available to support their economic needs through the transition.”

The Department of Community and Economic Development in collaboration with the Department of Labor & Industry will work with communities and regions that have been negatively impacted by changes in the coal economy by encouraging them to apply for available funds and providing the data and information necessary to help support strong applications.

“It is extremely important that we collaborate on every level to ensure that Pennsylvania submits the strongest applications possible,” said Sec. Davin. “This is a great opportunity for our communities that are feeling the effects from changes in industry sectors and these resources can help strengthen their economies and workforces.”

Funds are available for a range of activities, including:

  • Developing projects that diversify local and regional economies, create jobs in new and/or existing industries, attract new sources of job-creating investment, and provide a range of workforce services and skills training;
  • Building partnerships to attract and invest in the economic future of coal-impacted communities;
  • Increasing capacity and other technical assistance fostering long term economic growth and opportunity in coal-impacted communities.

Pennsylvania is co-hosting a technical assistance workshop for POWER implementation and technical assistance grants.

When: April 27, 2016

Where: Hidden Valley, PA | Hidden Valley Resort

Participants will learn how to determine whether they are eligible for POWER support; how to identify potential projects and collaborators; and how to develop project proposals to apply for POWER funding.

Additional information can be found here
