AT&T secures top spot on PPI U.S. Investment Heroes rankings for fourth straight year

AT&TLeading company for domestic capital spending

For the fourth year in a row AT&T* finished atop the Progressive Policy Institute’s (PPI) list of U.S. Investment Heroes. The annual study recognizes the top 25 American companies investing in the United States. As with last year’s report, this year’s report, U.S. Investment Heroes of 2015: Why Innovation Drives Investment, found telecom and cable companies to be the strongest sector for domestic capital spending, with AT&T leading the pack.

AT&T has a long track record of domestic investment. Over the past six years (2009-2014), the company has invested more in the U.S. economy than any other public company. AT&T’s total investment during this time, including acquisitions of spectrum and wireless operations totals nearly $140 billion, with $21.4 billion invested in 2014 alone. And AT&T expects to invest in the $21 billion range in 2015.

“We’re honored to be recognized by the PPI again for our steadfast commitment to investing in the United States,” said John Stephens, CFO of AT&T. “We invest because it’s the right thing to do for our customers and shareholders. Our investments help us maintain our world-class networks and meet ever-increasing demand for high speed Internet. At the same time, our investments help generate economic growth and jobs across the country.”

AT&T’s 2015 investment initiatives include:

  • A multiyear plan to expand the company’s all-fiber broadband network to 14 million customer locations.
  • Deliver Internet speeds of 45 megabits or higher to more than 27 million customer locations within four years.
  • Continued investment in AT&T’s wireless network to meet growing demand for wireless Internet services, especially video. Some projections estimate that wireless data traffic will increase ten-fold by 2020.

* AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.

