Gov. Wolf holds social media town hall meeting

Gov. Tom Wolf held the first social media town hall meeting with Twitter users, one month after taking office.

Gov. Tom Wolf held today via Twitter the first of what promises to be ongoing social town hall meetings with Pennsylvanians.

What follows is the transcript from the 30-minute session as it pertains to economic development, education and other timely issues facing the commonwealth. The meeting was held on the one-month anniversary of his term in office.

Q: What a breath of fresh air with you as governor. Would you share your goals in the next 6 months?

A: Thanks for your question & compliment. My goals are: Jobs that Pay, Schools that Teach, & Gov’t that works. I will present a budget next week, but I want to invest in our schools & make PA a leader in education. I want to set the table for economic growth, make the middle class a priority & launch better gov’t initiatives.

Q: As a public school teacher, I would like to know how you will handle the school funding crisis? A: I proposed a commonsense severance tax to help to fund our schools. Let’s make education a priority:

Q: Will you support a diverse PA energy portfolio using resources as the market dictates? Coal Natgas Nuclear & Renewables?

A: I want PA to be an energy leader – in gas, coal, solar, nuclear, wind, timber – & I will work with all stakeholders.

Q: In the near future, what are you going to do to revive higher ed in PA, given the financial constraints?

A: We need to fund higher ed & make sure it is working with the private sector to prepare students for the jobs of the future.

Q: Do u support $15 min wage and/or removing restriction to allow PHL & PGH to raise it themselves? A: I agree we need to #RaiseTheWage. My plan is $10.10/hr for all PA.

Q: What specific plans do u Hav 4 the PA State Stores?

A: In biz I worked to improve customer experience and maximize assets. I think we can do the same with the state stores.

Q: Only about 20% of PA pre-K kids are served in high quality settings. How will the administration increase that number? Q: @GovernorTomWolf congrats on 1st month. A month is a long time in a young child’s life, so how r u planning to help #earlylearning in #PA?

A: Agree early learning & Pre-K are critical to schools & our kids’ future. Stay tuned for more next week.

Q: Is the damage and destruction #fracking is doing too inconvenient a truth to take on in a twitter town hall?

A: PA needs to grow its #JobsThatPay. To fulfill our potential, we must take responsible advantage of our resources. We can develop this industry in a safe & sustainable way. We want good jobs & a good environment.

Q: After a month in office, what, in your opinion, have you done to benefit PA the most? And what is your next priority?

A: Proud to have expanded Medicaid, banned gifts, and protected parks & forests. Off to a good start. Thanks to the people of Pennsylvania for this opportunity. We have lots more to do working together.
