AT&T, contribute to teacher-inspired projects in Pittsburgh region

AT&TStudents in Mrs. Rebecca Hagerty’s class at Moore Elementary School had some special visitors today as AT&T and employees stopped by to check out their new Hands On Math program.  This program was made possible through a $25,000 contribution from AT&T to

Mrs. Hagerty’s project is one of 30 requested by 27 teachers from 15 schools in the Pittsburgh area. In addition to the projects in Brentwood, the contribution supports projects in the City of Pittsburgh School District; Chartiers Valley School District; the Baldwin-Whitehall School District; and other public charter schools in Allegheny County.

All told, more than 4,400 students will benefit from the contributions, which were used to purchase equipment and materials for programs addressing a wide range of needs – from literature to technology to social studies and much more – and focusing on all grade levels – from Pre-K through high school.

Jim Penna, AT&T’s regional director for External Affairs in Western Pennsylvania, and other AT&T volunteers, joined Mrs. Haggerty and her students to unwrap the new materials – and put their math skills to the test.

“We’ve worked with many organizations in the Pittsburgh area and across the Commonwealth to help ensure kids have the tools they will need to succeed in school. That’s why we’re so excited to join Mrs. Hagerty today to help her and her students get started with their new math program,” said Penna. “Congratulations to Mrs. Hagerty and the 26 other teachers in the Pittsburgh area whose projects were funded through by AT&T.”

“My students and I are so grateful to AT&T and for funding our project! There is a nationwide push for students to truly understand mathematical concepts, not just memorize the step-by-step procedures to solve them. These hands-on math manipulatives and resources will help teachers support students in developing the conceptual understanding needed for a deeper comprehension of mathematics,” said Mrs. Hagerty.

AT&T Aspire is the company’s signature education initiative that invests in students today – at home, in the classroom, at work – to prepare them for success tomorrow. AT&T previously supported several initiatives as part of its $350 million planned commitment to education.

“We’re proud to call AT&T a supporter of, and we’re grateful for their overwhelming support of education in the Pittsburgh area,” said Charles Best, founder and CEO of “This contribution will mean a great deal to the teachers and students they’ve helped.”

The complete list of projects follows:

Baldwin Whitehall School District
We Love Literacy Project
Whitehall Elementary School

Brentwood Borough School District
Hands-On Math!
Moore Elementary School

We Want To Make Our Mark On The World…Technology Needed!
Moore Elementary School

Chartiers Valley School District
Getting Creative A “littleBits” At A Time
Chartiers Valley Intermediate School

Spanish is So Much More Than a Language….
Chartiers Valley Intermediate School

North Hills School District
Listen, Learn, Read!
McIntyre Elementary School

Pittsburgh School District
Mi Familia Project
Pittsburgh Obama 6-12

Help Us Create an Awesome Place for Relaxation & Stimulation
Pittsburgh Montessori

Open the Door to the World of Literature
Pittsburgh Montessori

Let’s Get Reading!
Manchester Elementary

Math Manipulatives For My Busy Bees!!
Conroy Education Center

Striving for Fun Group Materials
Conroy Education Center

Thundershark Rewards!
Pittsburgh Science & Tech Academy

Social Studies Through Hip-Hop Education
Hill House Passport Academy Charter School

Interactive Learning from Each Other
Allderdice High School

Supply Super Social Studies Students!
Allderdice High School

Brain Model Out of Cake Pops!
Allderdice High School

How It’s Made: A Behind The Scenes Look At Making Art
South Hills School

Digital Microscopy – Pathway to the Future
South Hills School

Mrs. Fiore’s School Store
South Hills School

Get Art Smart
Arlington PreK-8 School

iPads for Little Learners
Arlington PreK-8 School

Support Taryn Byrne’s Classroom
Arlington PreK-8 School

Creative Learning Using Whiteboards
Arlington PreK-8 School

Help Make Us Readers For Life!!
Arlington PreK-8 School

Make Our 3-D Printer a Reality
Beechwood Elementary School

Core Learning Activities
Beechwood Elementary School


Non-Fiction to Increase World Views
Young Scholars of Western PA Charter School
Pennsylvania Department of Education

Books for a Brighter Future!!
Young Scholars of Western PA Charter School
Pennsylvania Department of Education

Founded in 2000, makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need.  At this nonprofit website, teachers at half of all the public schools in America have created project requests, and more than a million people have donated $291 million to projects that inspire them. All told, 12 million students-most from low-income communities, and many in disaster-stricken areas-have received books, art supplies, field trips, technology, and other resources that they need to learn.

About Philanthropy at AT&T
AT&T Inc. is committed to advancing education, strengthening communities and improving lives. Through its community initiatives, AT&T has a long history of investing in projects that create learning opportunities, promote academic and economic achievement or address community needs. In 2013, more than $130 million was contributed or directed through corporate-, employee-, social investment- and AT&T Foundation-giving programs. AT&T Aspire is AT&T’s signature education initiative that drives innovation in education by bringing diverse resources to bear on the issue including funding, technology, employee volunteerism and mentoring.
