AT&T Pioneers help Harrisburg students kickoff new school year

AT&TAT&T Pioneers in Central Pennsylvania today helped students in Harrisburg kickoff the new school year, supplying backpacks and school supplies to each of the students enrolled at the Sylvan Heights Science Academy in the City of Harrisburg.

AT&T technical services employees from the company’s regional offices in Susquehanna Township, along with retail employees from AT&T stores across Central Pennsylvania, came together to raise funds for the project; stuff the backpacks; and deliver them to the school.  Parents and caregivers received the backpacks during a back-to-school night on August 14.

All told, 220 students will start the new school year with backpacks loaded with school supplies.

The Pioneers also provided nearly $520 in “Scholastic Dollars” to help the school purchase books and supplies for the students and school library, and for teacher supplies. The “Scholastic Dollars” were raised during a recent book fair at the AT&T regional office.

“Our employee volunteers, from many different organizations within our company, regularly come together to support programs in communities where we live and work,”  La-Kita Gilmore, president, AT&T Heart of Pennsylvania Pioneer chapter.  “Our members want to make a difference in our community, and this is one way we are achieving our goal.”

Founded in 1911 as the Telephone Pioneers of America, Pioneers has grown to be the largest industry-related volunteer organization in the world. A non-profit network of more than 620,000 volunteers, Pioneers is committed to effect immediate, tangible change in local communities.

*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.

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AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) is a premier communications holding company and one of the most honored companies in the world. Its subsidiaries and affiliates – AT&T operating companies – are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and internationally. With a powerful array of network resources that includes the nation’s most reliable 4G LTE network, AT&T is a leading provider of wireless, Wi-Fi, high speed Internet, voice and cloud-based services. A leader in mobile Internet, AT&T also offers the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries.  It also offers advanced TV service with the AT&T U-verse® brand. The company’s suite of IP-based business communications services is one of the most advanced in the world.
