AT&T helps connect Lehigh Valley students to career exploration, workforce readiness

AT&TA $15,000 contribution from AT&T will support the Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership’s CareerLinking Academies that provide career exploration and workforce readiness activities for under-served high school students.

J. Michael Schweder, president, AT&T Mid Atlantic, announced the contribution today during the Lehigh Valley Workforce Investment Board meeting.

According to Robert Spengler, Superintendent, Catasauqua School District and Board Chair of the Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership, CareerLinking Academy is an initiative designed for high school students that provides them with the opportunity to participate in a structured program where they will explore career interests and become linked to the world of work and education.

CareerLinking Academy curriculum includes, but is not limited to, career awareness activities, interest assessments, continuing education in the 21st century, leadership skills, job and labor market information, mock interviewing skills and resume preparation, cover letters, briefs, job applications, interviewing with human resource managers to discuss skills, interests, employer needs and expectations, job shadowing opportunities, college, university and career and technical school tours, resources connections, and much more. It includes workshops for parents on continuing education and financial aid.

Chris Donigan, Sr. Vice President Human Resource for B. Braun Medical Inc. and a Board Director of the Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership, states that “it is through the involvement of Business and Industry working in partnership with educational leaders that we can close the skills gaps and increase the understanding of current and future career pathways and the technical and academic skills requirements needed to keep business in business. Together we are working to ensure that the workforce pipeline is prepared to meet the private sector’s growing workforce demands. Our thanks to AT&T for stepping up to the plate and providing resources and leadership support to the Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership through their Aspire Program.”

“At AT&T, we support programs like the CareerLinking Academies because we want to ensure that the future workforce of AT&T and our country will be stocked with a pool of qualified, diverse employees who have the skills that Lehigh Valley’s businesses need to remain competitive in the digital, global economy,” Schweder said.  “We are excited to work with educators, parents and groups like the Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership to ensure we are providing students with the tools they need to succeed.”

Schweder added that the contribution is part of AT&T’s Aspire program, one of the largest corporate commitments focused on helping more students graduate from high school ready for college and careers.  In 2012, AT&T announced an additional quarter-billion-dollar expansion of the program, bringing the total commitment to $350 million since Aspire was launched in 2008. Learn more about the program by visiting
