May News Briefs

Commonwealth releases video touting business assets; Foundation hosts Investor Exchange program; In the NewsTeam PA staff conducts community service project; DCED offers entrepreneur guide

Commonwealth releases video touting business assets 

Earlier this month, the Department of Community and Economic Development’s communications office launched the new “Pennsylvania. Built to Advance.” video at the Pennsylvania Economic Development Conference.

The video is a strong marketing tool that tells Pennsylvania’s story, highlighting the assets and advantages that set Pennsylvania apart from our neighboring and competitor states.

The video is posted on and YouTube, and will be featured at trade shows and events, linked in newsletters and provided to partners and business prospects. Please help DCED and Team Pennsylvania Foundation take this video viral by sharing the video link with your partners. And stay tuned because there is definitely more to come!

Foundation hosts Investor Exchange program

Beverly Mackreth, Secretary, PA Department of Public Welfare, discusses Healthy PA at an Investor Exchange program at Team PA.
Beverly Mackreth, Secretary, PA Department of Public Welfare, discusses Healthy PA at an Investor Exchange program at Team PA.

Team PA hosted another in a series of programs designed to educate Foundation investors about various departments within state government and the programs and services they offer the public.

Beverly Mackereth, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Welfare, discussed the department’s Healthy PA initiative, which is a program designed to improve the health of wellness of Pennsylvanians.

Mackereth’s presentation was followed by a question-and-answer session with Foundation investors.

In the News

In the News is a feature on the Foundation’s website that highlights articles that have been written by the media about programs and initiatives supported by Team PA.

Recent stories include a feature on the Foundation in The Pennsylvania Association of Councils of Governments’ newsletter, an article on how Pennsylvania is becoming the next medical hotspot following a media tour of the state’s burgeoning Life Sciences industry, and another on Pennsylvania’s abundant energy supply.

Visit the In the News section of the Team PA website to read these stories and much more.

Team PA staff conducts community service project

Team PA staff recently spent time volunteering at the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank to give back to the local community in the Harrisburg area.

Team PA staff recently conducted a community service project at the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.
Team PA staff recently conducted a community service project at the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.

Staff unloaded three skids of donated food from individuals, groups and local businesses during its time there. Food Bank staff told Team PA that each non-profit group that visits that section of the food bank feeds approximately 200 families in this part of the commonwealth.

Staff unloaded the food from the skids and categorized it on shelves by food groups, which are then purchased by local non-profits at 18 cents per pound.

Foundation staff has also volunteered at other non-profit agencies in the past in an effort to make their corner of the world a little bit brighter.

DCED offers entrepreneur guide

Each entrepreneur is unique. No matter what level of business experience or expertise, Pennsylvania can assist you with valuable information that will help with business startup and growth.

Taking your ideas and ingenuity to create something new is a rewarding and challenging endeavor, as is the undertaking of starting a business that can grow and compete locally and globally. Pennsylvania is an excellent place for an entrepreneur to do all of this, and more.

The Entrepreneur’s Guide is a “how-to” resource for anyone interested in starting and growing a business in Pennsylvania and includes:

  • Writing a business plan
  • Registering your business name
  • Financing your business
  • Laws, regulations and licenses
  • General tax information
  • Opening a Business
  • Estimate Startup Cost

Download your copy here.
