2014 Best Places to Work registration opens

The Best Places to Work in PA program is a celebration of companies and their employees. Registration for the 2014 program is now open.
The Best Places to Work in PA program is a celebration of companies and their employees. Registration for the 2014 program is open.

Registration for the 2014 Best Places to Work in PA, a program that benefits both employers and employees, is open.

Employees from around the world can use the listing as a tool to find their next employer while employers use the survey to increase employee retention, refine corporate policy and ultimately boost profits.

Nominations for these valuable awards are now being accepted online at bestplacestoworkinpa.com until Friday, June 6.

While making the list alone is a prestigious honor, participating companies gain additional benefits. After the two part survey process is complete, each participating company receives the results of their Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey. Many participants agree the information they receive is nearly as valuable as making the list.

“Team Pennsylvania Foundation is proud to be a founding and lead partner and annual supporter of the 100 Best Places to Work in Pennsylvania,” said John Moran, Foundation Board Co-chair and President of Moran Logistics. “This award, now in its 15th year, has become an established benchmark for great businesses in Pennsylvania. It is a standard of achievement and a distinction that makes your business more attractive to both clients and employees. I encourage every business that is eligible in the commonwealth to go through the nomination process.”

Designed to recognize two types of businesses, the program ranks medium-sized (25-249 employees) and large-sized companies (250 employees or more). A company’s participation often leads to valuable and unique long-term benefits for its corporate climate and for its employee recruitment efforts.

To be eligible, participating companies must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a for-profit or not-for-profit business.
  • Be a publicly or privately held business.
  • Have a facility in Pennsylvania.
  • Have at least 25 employees in Pennsylvania.
  • Be in good standing with all commonwealth agencies under the governor’s jurisdiction.
  • Be in business for at least one year
  • Government entities are not eligible
  • Meet the nomination deadline: Friday, June 6, 2014

The 2014 Best Places competition is a public/private partnership of: Team Pennsylvania Foundation; the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED); the Central Penn Business Journal;

Program partner: Pennsylvania State Council for the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM)

Sponsor of the 2014 Best Places to Work in PA program: Team Pennsylvania Foundation;

Major sponsors: Capital BlueCross; Ryan, LLC

